(May 1, 2011)
Dear Wiggles,
You are seven months old and such a joy! We are having so much fun living life with you.
This month you have grown a lot, but I am not sure of your exact measurements. I think you are around 17 pounds and 26.5 inches. You are finally filling out 3-6 month clothing and have moved up to 6-9 months in a few things. We are using cloth diapers for the most part, but you fit into a size 2 disposable diaper.

You still eat like a champ! You happily eat anything we give you and watch longingly while we eat. I think you are going to really love food! Your favorites are sweet potatoes and pears, but you will eat your green veggies as long as they are mixed with either fruit or oatmeal. You are still nursing about 5 times a day.
Your favorite toys are "Sophie," the giraffe, any mirror, and your feet. If you are lying in the floor playing, your feet are never far from your mouth! You still love rolling over and watching Baby Einstein.
You are the happiest baby I have ever seen! Everywhere we go, people comment on your constant smile. You love to be paid attention and it is usually repayed with a squeal and a grin. You are definitely a morning person and wake up squealing with joy every day. Quite precious!

You talk really good baby talk, but don't seem very close to making real words. You are so much fun, baby bird. Your daddy and I love spending all of our time playing with you and watching you grow! You are the best thing that's ever happened to us and we are blessed to be your parents! You are turning into such a sweet little boy and I can't wait to see how you change and grow this month!
Love you forever,

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