Saturday, May 7, 2011


I am a sound sleeper. Anyone who has ever lived with me can attest to this fact. I have been known to do some random things when awakened from a deep sleep and have always been prone to turning off my alarm clock in my sleep. Also, if you call and wake me up I will talk to you as if I am awake and then never remember the conversation.

Since having Liam there have been several instances where Ryan has had to shake me awake to feed Liam in the middle of the night. I am the only mother on the planet who can sleep through her child's cries. And even worse, I have definitely turned the monitor off in my sleep thinking it was an alarm I was snoozing. Awful! Usually, once I wake up I can coherently feed Liam thanks to surfing my iPhone.

However, last night was a different story. I was so sleepy that I turned off the monitor and once I finally got downstairs to feed Liam I could not stay awake. I record all the time and length of his feedings in my phone and I have no idea why, but I typed the word palpitations in his feeding log last night.

Anyone have any insight into that? Any other silly sleepy moms out there?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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