Friday, December 27, 2013

Dear Jude: 13 months

Dear Judesy Roe,

You were thirteen months old on Christmas Day! I can't believe you are such a little toddler these days, you are so much fun!

You got your two front teeth for Christmas! Actually, they are still just barely poking though, but hopefully that relieved some pain for you. This takes your total up to six teeth! Your teeth get a lot of use these days, it seems like you are constantly eating! You get very offended if you aren't offered food when someone is eating, even if you've just finished a large meal. Favorite foods: bananas, raspberries, meatballs, mashed potatoes, and cheese.

At your twelve month doctors visit, we discovered that you are 36 inches long (80th%) and you weigh 22 pounds (70th%). You are very solidly built and fit nicely in your 12-18 month clothing. You sleep well at night and love your morning nap most of all.

Baby Jude, I'm afraid you will be walking very soon. You have taken one or two steps on several occasions to snatch a toy or get into trouble. You can stand, and dance, on your own for a pretty substantial period of time and you cruise with the utmost of purpose. Oh mobility, such a blessing and a curse. :)

Your daddy and I are pretty sure that you are going to be our biggest troublemaker. You love to instigate dance parties and nap-time raves, and you always get your brother to participate even when he is half asleep. Basically, we are all powerless to resist your charms. You love lamp cords, electrical sockets, air vents, and house plants more than any actual toy.

Sweet Judes, you are a very vocal little boy. You are constantly babbling, growling, squealing, or grunting. You can say a lot of words, "mama" and "dad-di" most consistently. You call for your cousins, Micah and Reagan often and can even say "Judesy."

You are still a little momma's boy and love to take cuddle naps, which is my favorite thing ever. I hope you always are so affectionate. You adore your brother and your dadda as well. You are such a tough little thing, you get tackled regularly and always seem to hold your own. Liam needs to watch his back! You love love love music and stuffed animals, your bedtime bunny is your favorite.

Darling boy, you are adored and cherished and loved like nobody's business. Thank you for making all of our hearts grow larger and all of our days happier.

Love you forever, and ever,

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Liam Lately

It's been awhile since I have updated on our oldest ball of energy! Liam Davy is hilarious, and brilliant, as always.

We are especially enjoying this Christmas season with him. His observations never cease to entertain. He calls all lights, "Christmas" and if they are on a house then it's "Christmas on the roof!" He also associates wrapped gifts with birthdays, so every time he sees a package he tells one of us "Happy birthday!" Love it!

The other day, I yelled "Jude Monroe" to get Jude's attention and now Liam calls him "Judesy Roe," which is my favorite thing about life, so precious. The Hawk brothers are buddies and partners in crime. They wrestle and dance and yell together, their relationship brings me so much joy and they are still so small. I can't wait to see how close they grow, and to referee their sure to be epic fights.

Liam loves school, he attends 3 days a week at the preschool affiliated with Ryan's school and starting next semester he will go 2 days at a public preschool to get a bit of speech and occupational therapy. We are excited to watch him continue to learn! He is so observant and quick to learn. He also never forgets anything! His latest discovery is emotion, he likes to show us "happy" and "sad" faces and has recently developed a few fears. He is afraid of balloon animals and candles. Two hilarious, but real to him, fears.

Transportation toys are at an all-time peak of favorites these days. I've never seen so many things with wheels in all my days. Liam loves vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers as well as typical cars, trucks, and planes.

Liam still loves books, Peppa Pig is his current favorite show to watch, helping me cook, splashing in the bath, being outside, and eating cookies are some other favorites these days.

We are so thankful for our sweet, healthy, smart, and kind little boy. He is so fun to be around and so easy to enjoy!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Dear Jude: one

Dear Jude Monroe,

You are one! Happy birthday, little love! We are so in awe at how quickly this year has flown by and we are so happy that you've been a part of our family for one whole year!

Your twelve month doctor visit isn't until next week, so I don't have any statistics on your weight or height, yet. You are fitting into 12 month clothes great, and seem like a giant in general, so I'm excited to know how big you actually are!

You continue to be a bit of a wild card when it comes to sleep and temperament. You love to be on the go, no walking yet, and hate being restricted from dangers. You take a great morning nap, but prefer to host raves in your crib instead of an afternoon nap. Silly little one.

Judes, you are a momma's boy to the core, which I love! But, you love any attention you can get. You also aren't shy to yell at someone who doesn't pay you the attention you deserve! You love snuggles, and dancing, and clapping! Your favorite toys are musical, or stuffed animals. You have a bunny that you sleep with and your face lights up when I give it to you at bedtime. So so precious.

Your mother has fallen off the bandwagon of transitioning you to whole milk and sippy cups, we will get there eventually. Eating is your favorite pastime, you now have 3.5 teeth to nom with and I haven't found anything you dislike yet! Favorites include: yogurt, sweet potatoes, bananas, cheerios, hash browns, and eggs! You had chocolate birthday cake last night, and loooooooved it!

Baby Jude, you are so loved and adored! Watching your eyes sparkle is one of my favorite things. We are having so much fun getting to know you and your sweet, high strung personality. I'm so very glad that God made you to be our Jude Monroe! I hope you always love to snuggle and dance!

Love you forever, and ever,

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall Fun!

We have had a wonderful fall here in Colorado! It's been perfectly crisp and cool and the yellow leaves, while not as beautiful as my favorites reds and oranges of the south, have stayed on the trees for a long time!

I'm very late to post this, but last month we spent a gorgeous day at the Denver zoo! We went with Grami, Papo, Aunt 'Risa, Uncle Mate, and their kiddos and had a blast!

We started off the day at my favorite brunch place, Snooze! Come visit us, and I will take you there multiple times!

Liam and Papo passing the wait away.

Baby Jude eating hash browns and sharing with the floor.

Peacocks roam around free at the zoo, not so awesome for this girl who is bird-phobic. Look how close Reagan is, she's so brave!

Sweet Sidney and this gorilla were buddies. (Sid's adoption will be finalized in a few weeks ad then I will share some awesome pictures of his face!)

Everyone went into the bird house, except me, to feed the birds. Liam was a bit unsure...that's my boy.

Grami, Liam, and Sidney.

Uncle Mate and Liam! It was really fun to see Liam actually find and watch the animals. He's at a great age to really enjoy the zoo. Can't wait to go back!

After the zoo, we headed to Little Man Ice Cream, another of my favorite places. They were all decorated for fall, so we took some pictures with pumpkins.

Papo giving baby Jude his first taste of ice cream, it was a hit!

Baby Jude was clearly more interested in the hay than in taking photos. Liam was ready!

Love these little men!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dear Jude: 11 months

Dear baby Jude,

Happy ELEVEN month birthday! I'm shouting eleven out of shock and dread, not really excitement. You see, in my mind you are still my teensy tiny baby boy. And when I write these letters I'm hit with the harsh reality that you are becoming a toddler quite rapidly. And, I know from experience how quickly toddlerhood turns into little boyhood. Sob!

You are a giant, baby. You weigh 22 pounds and are 36 inches long (maybe bigger now) which is the 90th percentile for both categories. You wear size 12 month clothes and you live to eat! You take about 26 ounces of formula a day and eat 3 big meals. You love love love food, and I'm thankful for your good appetite and adventurous (for now) palate.

Love, you are constantly on the move. I've decided that your intention isn't to be mobile so much as it is to cause yourself bodily harm. You are happiest when trying to electrocute yourself, fall down a flight of stairs, pull a table over, or bash your head into a fireplace. Basically, you keep us busy and I have a strong feeling that you will be walking sooner than we think.

Judes, you love music. If we sing you will clap and dance. You love to drum on toys and tabletops and seem to have good rhythm. You can say a few new words this month: go, miiii (milk), and gu gu (Gus Gus). Liam is still your favorite, even though he doesn't always share with you, you always want mama to hold you, and nearly combust with joy every time dada walks into the room.

Baby Jude, you are sweet and stubborn and wonderful. We are loving getting to see your personality emerge. You are definitely going to be a feisty little love, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for being a cuddle bug and for loving us all so much. Your smiles and squeals are the best! We love you so very much.

Love you forever, and ever,

Also, happy birthday to your JuJu! It's only fitting that you share the days of the month that you were born since your name is partly after hers! We love you JuJu!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Liam's day of fun!

We had a very fun-filled day yesterday! We did not have a Pinterest inspired party, we did not spend very much money, we did not give tons of gifts, but we did have a blast!
Liam is a huge fan if balloons, so Monday night Ryan and I blew up a bunch of balloons and put them in the floor of his room. It was a huge hit! He laughed and played for 45 minutes before I got out of bed, I think we will start doing this often!

Next up, we visited a local bounce place to jump the morning away! The best part, we were joined by five of Liam's 1st and 2nd cousins, and their awesome mamas!

Then, we were hungry for Chic-fil-A, which resulted in ice cream cones! I may be ridiculously proud if my three year old's ability to eat an ice cream cone properly, raising him right!

We had a delightful family dinner at home, with party hats, cake, a singing card, and a toy emergency vehicle to round out the day.

I'm so glad we we all got to have a fun day! Lots of pictures, lots of fun!  Also, I know the picture of me and Grami is sideways, I can't make it switch and still wanted to include it!