Wednesday, April 4, 2007

not an option...

so, i was just viewing this site making sure everything looked good when i noticed something that i didn't like. i have signed up to put ads at the bottom of this site. supposedly they use your posting to pick ads that go along with it. however, the particular ad that i saw was about "secret divorce planning." i didn't click on it, because that's one of the rules of having ads on your site. another, is that you won't blog about them...but whatever. now, correct me if i'm wrong, but did i use the word "divorce" anywhere in my last post. pretty sure i didn't. but let me just go ahead and say this. divorce is never an option for us. ever. so there silly ad thingy! what part of forever and ever amen does google not understand? hmmm... they'll probably ban me from ads now.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl. Now that you've said "divorce" a few times in you post, you'll sure to get more ads like that. =) lol

sarah beth hawk said...

yeah, i thought about that too late... but what the heck.