Tuesday, April 21, 2009

why my husband is sometimes right...

if you have ever lived with me you know that i am not the sort of person who can't fall asleep at night if my room/closet/house is a mess. i am not a dirty person (no rats, roaches, or gnats) but i am a cluttered person.

when ryan and i found ourselves in love with one another i was concerned that we would have issues because he is a neat freak and comes from a long line of OCD men.

we've managed to make it work quite nicely. i cook, he cleans. i do laundry, he puts it away. we have a system. i have become a little neater. he has become a little messier.

however, i still (and always will) HATE to unpack anything. if it was up to me our clothing would never be put away (yes that counts as unpacking). ryan always tries to make me unpack my suitcases the second we walk in the door from a trip and i rebel, vehemently.

so, it should be no surprise when i say that when we cleaned out our closet on saturday i finally unpacked the suitcase that i used the last weekend in february to go home to arkansas.

i found the smartwool socks that i thought were lost and even accused my mom of finding and then stealing. my feet are very happy.

moral of the story: unpack your damn suitcases.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey sarah!

it sounds like you and ryan have a great system for getting things done and living in harmony! you should be thankful you live with a man who likes having things clean and organized (i think guys like that are few and far between :)).

hope you are having a wonderful week!!