Tuesday, May 11, 2010

new mattress!

Ryan and I made our first big purchase of our marriage and bought a new mattress with our tax refund money.  Now, just so you know, for the past (almost!) four years our marriage bed was a full sized bed!  While we definitely love to snuggle, the full sizer was A) super super uncomfortable, and B) about to get completely outgrown by my soon-to-be-large preggo belly.

So, we upgraded in more ways than one.  We moved to a queen size and got a super nice mattress with a memory foam pillow top.  The mattress was delivered yesterday and we slept like kings and queens last night!  This mattress is really thick and sits up about 6 inches higher than our previous bed so every time I got up in the night to go potty I stumbled out of bed because I wasn't used to the height difference.  Gus also had a little lesson to learn about jumping on the bed.  The first time he attempted he close lined himself and I was worried he wouldn't be able to jump up on the bed anymore.  However, he proved me wrong.  Smart puppy only needs to fall once to learn how to get up on the big bed!

We are so excited for being able to sleep comfortably and to have room to grow!  Yippee!

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