As the year is ending, and I'm stuck in a car all day, I thought it prudent to try to remember the best of 2012.
*Ryan was inducted into the Alpha Chi honors society for his graduate work. This required purchase of a suit, fancy.
*We found out in April that I was expecting another little birdie.
*Ryan and I went on a brief, but lovely, trip to Ireland. Wherein I was able to show Ryan all of my favorite places. And I got to revisit the pieces of my heart that will forever remain in that land.
*Ryan started working at our church, The Village Chapel. This has brought some incredible folks closer into our lives as well as given valuable experience for Ryan's future career.
*We moved into a new rental house with room for our growing family, a yard, and a study cottage.
*Liam started "school" at a Mothers Day Out program. He has thrived and learned so much.
*Purchasing a new Trooper, even though nothing will ever fill the "Rooney" shaped hole in our hearts.
*Briefly attending my 10 year high school reunion, with Liam in tow.
*Becoming members of the Nashville Zoo, hours of fun for everyone.
*I attended the Starbucks Global Leadership Convention in Houston. It was an incredible week of learning and inspiration. I am truly blessed to work for such an amazing company.
*Ryan played (and won, again) in the alumni rugby game at JBU homecoming. He also got to play some rugby with our oldest nephew, Telan.
*Ryan applied for more graduate work at Queens University Belfast, and was accepted! We may go, or we may not. Either way, this is amazing!
*Kirsten came out from San Francisco for Thanksgiving, after her missing last year we were so excited to have her in Nashville to celebrate with us again.
*The birth of precious baby Jude. Even though he was premature and required emergency delivery, he was healthy and we were both safe. So incredibly thankful.
We can't wait to see what 2013 will bring and where the Lord will take us!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Dear Jude: 1 Month

Dear baby Jude,
You are sharing your one month birthday with the day that we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus! You are having a great first Christmas and we cannot believe that you are already one month old! For your first Christmas you received: wool booties, two rattle toys, The Hungry Caterpillar, a lovie, new pacis, and mommy's milk.
I think we have a pretty good routine down. You have been eating every 3-4 hours. You nurse for about 15-20 minutes and you take a 4oz bottle of pumped milk twice a day! That's a lot of milk, good job eating, buddy!

You are a good sleeper, and we are very thankful! You have had a few fussy nights with a gassy tummy, but overall you go back to sleep really quickly when you wake to eat at night. You have started having more awake time during the day, we love to see those big blue (for now) eyes open!
Since you gained weight so well after leaving the hospital, we won't know your official weight until we go to the pediatrician for your two month check up. But, according to our home scale, you weigh 8 pounds, 2 ounces! I am amazed at how quickly you are growing! You are fitting into newborn sized clothing and diapers really well.

You are such a love bug, baby Jude. Your daddy and I love to snuggle with you! Your big brother, Liam, is becoming more interested in you and often"pets" your head. I can't wait to see your relationship develop, I pray that you two will always be best friends and partners in crime. You have made our family even more full of love in one short month, I'm so thankful that we were blessed with you!
Love you forever, and ever,
Monday, December 24, 2012
An Irish Christmas Blessing

Last night, Ryan and I had the privilege of attending "Joy: an Irish Christmas" by the Gettys at the Nashville symphony. The Gettys, if you don't know, are modern day hymn writers who happen to hail from my beloved Northern Ireland. They are incredibly talented musicians with beautiful hearts for the Lord, it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Also, if you've known me for more than five minutes, you know that anything Irish makes me weep. When the Gettys lead worship at church I usually just sit there and cry! Last night was no exception, with two blows of the bag pipes, I was crying before they even started singing! Silly girl.
It was so nice to go out on a date with my husby. I haven't been able to go to church, since Jude is too little to be out in public, so I haven't really felt like it was truly Christmas. Until, last night! Now I'm definitely in the spirit!
They closed the night with this blessing that they wrote specifically for Christmas:
Now may the fragrance of His peace
Soar through your heart like the dove released
Hide in His wings oh, weary distant soak
He'll guide your spirit home
And may His love poured on from high
Flow to the depths of your deepest sigh
Oh come and drink from the only living stream
And on His shoulder lean
And may the hope that will not deceive
Trough every pain bring eternal ease
There is no night that can steal the promises
His coming brings to us
So may His joy rush over you
Delight in the path He has called you to
May all your steps walk in Heaven's endless light
Beyond this Christmas night
Friday, December 7, 2012
Happy Homecoming, baby Jude!
We were thrilled to bring Jude home on Wednesday evening, after 10 days in the NICU!

We had a great first night home! Jude is already on a good schedule from being in the NICU. He eats every three hours and goes back to sleep easily, for now.

Yesterday morning, we got to introduce the Hawk brothers to one another. Liam was very friendly and kept saying, "Hey baby!" We had a really nice day yesterday full of loving on both of our babies. I'm so thankful to all be under one roof and to get to hold our tiny one whenever we want!

We had a great first night home! Jude is already on a good schedule from being in the NICU. He eats every three hours and goes back to sleep easily, for now.

Yesterday morning, we got to introduce the Hawk brothers to one another. Liam was very friendly and kept saying, "Hey baby!" We had a really nice day yesterday full of loving on both of our babies. I'm so thankful to all be under one roof and to get to hold our tiny one whenever we want!

Monday, December 3, 2012
Liam lately
Baby brother (who is doing great) has swooped in and stolen all of Liam's blog thunder! I've been meaning to write a little update on things he has been doing, I miss his monthly updates!

Mr. Personality has been so funny lately! He loves to laugh and is such a silly little boy. His favorite toys are random non-toy objects, like boxes, empty tums containers, and Tupperware.

In the past few months he has been really affectionate. When we pick him up from school or the church nursery he runs and tackles us for hugs. He also climbs into our laps and will lay his head down and say, "ohhhh." It's precious. We've also experienced a bit of separation anxiety lately.

Liam is saying a lot of new phrases and pretty much carries on a constant conversation anytime he is awake. The new favorite thing he says is, "oh no." He says it in a very concerned voice and about things like dropping his milk or being asked if he needs a diaper change. It's hilarious. He is also obsessed with giving "high fives." He will yell, "FIVE" and then claps and says, "YAY!" afterwards. I love it.

He has been sleeping in his big boy bed at night for about a month. He is still really proud of his bed and runs to it saying , "nigh night!" when it's bedtime. We still haven't successfully gotten him to take a nap in anything but his pack & play, if someone wants to come train him to do that, I would appreciate it.
We get so much joy from raising this little boy. And we are so excited to watch him become a big brother!

Mr. Personality has been so funny lately! He loves to laugh and is such a silly little boy. His favorite toys are random non-toy objects, like boxes, empty tums containers, and Tupperware.

In the past few months he has been really affectionate. When we pick him up from school or the church nursery he runs and tackles us for hugs. He also climbs into our laps and will lay his head down and say, "ohhhh." It's precious. We've also experienced a bit of separation anxiety lately.

Liam is saying a lot of new phrases and pretty much carries on a constant conversation anytime he is awake. The new favorite thing he says is, "oh no." He says it in a very concerned voice and about things like dropping his milk or being asked if he needs a diaper change. It's hilarious. He is also obsessed with giving "high fives." He will yell, "FIVE" and then claps and says, "YAY!" afterwards. I love it.

He has been sleeping in his big boy bed at night for about a month. He is still really proud of his bed and runs to it saying , "nigh night!" when it's bedtime. We still haven't successfully gotten him to take a nap in anything but his pack & play, if someone wants to come train him to do that, I would appreciate it.
We get so much joy from raising this little boy. And we are so excited to watch him become a big brother!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
One week!

It is so hard to believe that this little love bug is already one week old!
Jude has had a great day! Thank you for your continues prayers, they are working! We've had no new apnea spells, so we are still shooting to come home on Thursday! He was also moved to the "step-down" NICU where they send the babies that are getting closer to coming home.
We've been able to love on him lots the past couple of days and we are so thankful for every little snuggle, kiddo is already wrapped around our hearts.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Quick update/Prayer Request
Hi friends! I just wanted to update you on Jude and ask for some prayers.
Jude is doing really great. Today they took him off of oxygen completely and removed his IV altogether.
Unfortunately, he had another apnea (stopped breathing) spell last night. So, we are back to waiting for him to go five days without a spell in order to go home.
Please pray with us that he doesn't have any more spells so that he can go home next Thursday. We really want our sweet boy home. He loves to snuggle and we want to give him all the snuggles he wants!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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