Monday, April 25, 2011

Not Your Grandma's Cloth Diapers

Oh my word, y'all! Can I just gush about our cloth diapers for a while? Good, that's what I plan to do!

I first remember reading about newfangled cloth diapers a few years ago when Amalah started posted about them at AlphaMom. I was instantly intrigued and thought I would really like to try them out when we had little ones. And then the more I read about, and thought about, them the more sold I became on the idea of really going all out and using cloth.

The number one reason that we love cloth is that they decrease our money spent at target! Woohoo! Sure, there is an initial cost that is quite staggering, but after that first purchase you literally will not need to buy diapers again. We plan to use the diapers that we have now until Liam is potty trained. And then turn around and use them again on his little siblings until they are potty trained. Yes, we still need a few more and perhaps will need even more if we have multiples in diapers at once but I love just bypassing the diaper aisle instead of heading straight to it at every trip to the store.

Not only do we have the potential to save a lot of money by using cloth on all of our children, but we also drastically reduce our waste. I am almost as proud of that fact as I am that we are spending next to nothing now on diaper out child.

Environmental impact: Disposable diapers are estimated to take 250-500 years to decompose—and they’re the third largest single consumer item in landfills and represent about 4% of solid waste. In households with just one diaper-age child, disposables make up as much as 50% of total household waste, according to a 2003 study by the Women’s Environmental Network (via the Real Diaper Association).

Sure, they can be a little messy. But, so can disposable diapers. And, honest to God, we have had zero blow outs since we switched to cloth and there have been some that would for sure have blown out a pampers diaper. We still plan to use disposables while traveling and if any of our caretakers are uncomfortable with cloth. Honestly though, they aren't hard to use at all! Even my husband with the worst gag reflex in all the land does not mind using them, and even prefers them to disposable! Woot woot!

We are using FuzziBunz, so if you have any questions about those or cloth diapering in general feel free to ask! I would love to help you take the plunge! Your wallet, the environment, and your baby's hiney will thank you!

Did I mention they are stinking adorable?

1 comment:

Katie said...

SO cute! I wish I would have looked into cloth diapering. Good for you!!