Liam Bird,
You're infancy is blowing past us! I cannot believe that you are a quarter of a year old (sob)! This month has been a really fun one with lots of firsts for you.
You took your first road trip to Arkansas, and got to meet 4 of your 7 great grand parents. It was so special to get to see them loving on you, especially Peepaw who was seriously ill this summer. You did fantastic in the car, basically sleeping the entire drive. You were also a champ at adapting to sleeping in two new places and being held by approximately twenty different people over the course of five days.
You also had your first Christmas! Your daddy and I were so excited to share our favorite holiday with you! We had a nice relaxing day at home in Nashville with just our little family. It was perfect. Santa brought you a baby einstein dvd and music player as well as some owl burp cloths, bibs, and lovey. We kept marveling at how you will be a toddler next year at Christmas, it's crazy!
You have grown so much this month! When we took you to the doctor for a cold two weeks ago you weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces! So, I would bet you are an even 11 now. You are in between sizes in both clothes and diapers which is a little frustrating. Your newborn clothes are a tad too short, but 0-3 month clothes swallow your skinny body. You have completely outgrown newborn diapers, but the size one diapers are still quite big. This further solidifies our need to get enough
cloth diapers to switch over completely (the ones we plan to use are adjustable from 10-35 pounds, so we can customize them to fit your perfectly).
Developmentally, we were told to go by your due date which would make your 7 weeks old instead of 13. But, you seem to be developing right on track with your true age. You are getting really good at holding your head up and you can use your arms to lift up from your tummy. You have been looking around and observing things a lot more this month. You love to look at anything on the ceiling, fans, lights, chandeliers, etc. You have also been smiling up a storm. I love peeking over your crib and watching your face light up when you see me, even if it is 2am. You are especially smiley in the mornings. You have started using your sweet voice a lot recently and we love it when you "talk" to us with little coos and squeals. You are precious, little man.
You are a pretty good little sleeper and a fantastic eater. During the day you still eat every 3 hours, but at night you stretch it out to 4 or 5. So, we usually swaddle you up and put you down to bed after your 9pm feeding and then you usually wake up for a little snack around 2am and then again at 6am. You would prefer to wake for the day then, but you usually will take a nap with mommy and daddy until 8 or 9am. Hopefully, when I go back to work next week, you will adapt to eating at 4am before I have to leave.
Your daddy and I love you so very much. We love to snuggle with you and could stare at your sweet little face for hours. We are so excited to watch your continued growth and development!
Love you forever,